Sunday, 20 August 2023




A wonderful photography workshop was well organized on 17/08/2023 in DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH MKBU. And Life science department's students were also invited. 

Mr. Kaushik Ghelani who is well known wildlife photographer and filmmaker taught us how to click picture properly. It was such a fruitful workshop for all of us. 

Dhruv Bhatt give him pen name "AARANYAK"

Workshop was divided in 2 sessions. In first session Kaushik Ghelani sir talked about all the major aspects of photography and how we click a perfect picture with our mobile as well. And he was also saw us his most famous photographs. Some of them are given below


He was also talked about various and important styles of click a perfect picture; like, 

∆ Grid view
∆ Highlight particular part
∆ Golden point
∆ center focus rule
∆ Symmetry
∆ Geometric shape
∆ Leading lines
∆ Aparture rules

Mr. Kaushik Ghelani also made two short films, one for G-20 in which he included 18 countries who are connected with it and their birds comes to India this video is on his YouTube channel and another one is for World Environment Day and it's uploaded on Gujrat's CM Bhupendra Singh's social media accounts. 

And at the end of first session we had some interactive question answer with him and very calmly he answered us. 

In second session he gave us task to click five pictures and than he would tell us what kind of mistakes made by us in our photography. We all have done our photography and one by one he gave us some suggestions and gave us right path for a perfect photography. 

In that task I had clicked these photographs


And end of the 2nd session he declared winners๐Ÿ†๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ† of photography task!.. Our senior Avani Jani & Drashti Joshi stood in 1st and 3rd position. 
And 2nd rank was gave to one girl who was from life science department. 

In concluding session our classmates gave him feedback and vote of thanks for his precious time. 
I would like to tell about Mr. Kaushik Ghelani si r that he gave us his precious time and taught us so many major things about photography in a correct way... And especially he is a such a down to earth person. And at the end of workshop we had a group picture with Kaushik Ghelani sir. 

It was such a amazing and fruitful workshop for all of us. All thanks to English department's facilities. Glad to be the student of the department. 

Thank you for reading... 
Happy learing...& exploring... 

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