Wednesday, 23 August 2023


Here I'm writing a blog on " WHAT IS HAMARTIA"... & Which tragic protagonist related with HAMARTIA. 

# HAMARTIA MEANS(according to Aristotle),... 

Hamartia arose from the Greek verb hamartanein, meaning "to miss the mark" or "to err." Aristotle introduced the term in the Poetics to describe the error of judgment which ultimately brings about the tragic hero's downfall. As you can imagine, the word is most often found in literary criticism. However, media writers occasionally employ the word when discussing the unexplainable misfortune or missteps of celebrities regarded as immortal gods and goddesses before being felled by their own shortcomings. For example, a writer for The New Republic in an April 2018 review of Chappaquiddick (a movie about U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy) comments that "Kennedy's ruthlessness and ambition, which are treated as the family's hamartia in Chappaquiddick, are swept under the rug of his compassion."

During my B.A. I was studied one tragedy "THE KING LEAR" which is written by William Shakespeare. Who is the king of Tragedies. He wrote so many tragedies during his literary career; and all tragedies were gain so much fame from readers. 

Hamartia, also called tragic flaw, (hamartia from Greek hamartanein, “to err”), inherent defect or shortcoming in the hero of a tragedy, who is in other respects a superior being favoured by fortune.

And most of shakespearen tragedies are depended on Hamartia.

Here are some famous tragedies of william Shakespeare; and in which Aristotle's Hamartia concept  well hlights. That's why the combination of william Shakespeare's tragedies are always famous in English literature. 


King Lear, one of William Shakespeare’s greatest tragedies, depicts a society in grim circumstances. As with all tragedies, there exists a tragic hero,one who possesses a fatal flaw that initiates the tragedy and all the sufferings that follow. In this play, the tragic hero is undoubtedly the title character, King Lear. The plot is driven by the power and consequence of losses, more specifically, the losses of Lear. In the course the play, King Lear, because of his flaws, loses his authority as a king, his identity as a father, and his sanity as a man. One loss builds on another, but moreover, his greatest loss, and what distinguishes this tragedy from all others, is his chance of redemption. Unlike other tragedies, there is no salvation for the tragic hero or any sign of optimism in the conclusion. This bleak portrayal of King Lear, through his losses, makes him the ultimate tragic hero, and the play an ultimate tragedy.

So in KING LEAR the concept of HAMARTIA is well proved. 


In concluding part I want to say that in THE KING LEAR shakespeare consider as tragic hero who lost everything in the end. 

The play ends with the ultimate downfall of the tragic hero, as Lear dies in a state of grief. In this way, King Lear portrays not only the tragedy of a society, but more importantly, the tragedy of a man.

Thank you for reading my blog... 
Happy learning & exploring.... 

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