Monday 9 September 2024

Midnight's Children (Th)

Greetings!! Everyone. This blog is part of a thinking activity based on "Midnight's Children," written by Salman Rushdie and assigned by Dr Dilipsir Barad. I will discuss some major aspects of Midnight's Children in this blog.

Midnight’s Children, an allegorical novel by Salman Rushdie, was published in 1981. It is a historical chronicle of modern India centring on the inextricably linked fates of two children born within the first hour of independence from Great Britain. Exactly at midnight on Aug. 15, 1947, two boys were born in a Bombay (now Mumbai) hospital, where they were switched by a nurse. Saleem Sinai, who will be raised by a well-to-do Muslim couple, is actually the illegitimate son of a low-caste Hindu woman and a departing British colonist. Shiva, the son of the Muslim couple, is given to a poor Hindu street performer whose unfaithful wife has died.

Saleem represents modern India. When he is 30, he writes his memoir, Midnight’s Children. Shiva is destined to be Saleem’s enemy as well as India’s most honoured war hero. This multilayered novel places Saleem at every significant event that occurred on the Indian subcontinent in the 30 years after independence. Midnight’s Children was awarded the Booker McConnell Prize for fiction in 1981. In 1993 it was chosen as the best Booker Prize novel in 25 years

Firstly Let's discuss some biographical information about Salman Rushdie,

Salman Rushdie (born June 19, 1947, in Bombay [now Mumbai], India) is an Indian-born British-American writer whose allegorical novels examine historical and philosophical issues employing surreal characters, brooding humour, and an effusive and melodramatic prose style. Because of his treatment of sensitive religious and political subjects, particularly in his novel The Satanic Verses (1988), Rushdie has been the target of death threats and violent attacks and a central figure in debates about free speech and censorship.

Rushdie, whose father was a prosperous Muslim businessman in India, was educated in England at Rugby School and the University of Cambridge, where he received a master’s degree in history in 1968. Throughout the 1970s, he worked in London as an advertising copywriter. His first published novel, Grimus, appeared in 1975. Rushdie’s next novel, Midnight’s Children (1981), a fable about modern India, was an unexpected critical and popular success that won him international recognition. A film adaptation, for which he drafted the screenplay, was released in 2012.

For more information CLICK HERE.

# Postcolonialism and Midnight's Children:-

Postcolonial literature is the literature by people from formerly colonized countries, originating from all continents except Antarctica. Postcolonial literature often addresses the problems and consequences of the decolonization of a country, especially questions relating to the political and cultural independence of formerly subjugated people, and themes such as racialism and colonialism. A range of literary theory has evolved around the subject. It addresses the role of literature in perpetuating and challenging what postcolonial critic Edward Said refers to as cultural imperialism.

Migrant literature and postcolonial literature show some considerable overlap. However, not all migration takes place in a colonial setting and not all postcolonial literature deals with migration. A question of current debate is the extent to which postcolonial theory also speaks to migration literature in non-colonial settings.

The significance of the prefix "post-" in "postcolonial" is a matter of contention among scholars and historians. In postcolonial studies, there has not been a unified consensus on when colonialism began and when it ended (with numerous scholars contending that it has not). The contention has been influenced by the history of colonialism, which is commonly divided into several major phases; the European colonization of the Americas began in the 15th century and lasted until the 19th, while the colonisation of Africa and Asia reached their peak in the 19th century. By the dawn of the 20th century, the vast majority of non-European regions were under European colonial rule; this would last until after the Second World War when anti-colonial independence movements led to the decolonization of Africa, Asia and the Americas. Historians have also expressed differing opinions regarding the postcolonial status of nations established through settler colonialism, such as the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Ongoing neocolonialism in the Global South and the effects of colonialism (many of which have persisted after the end of direct colonial rule) have made it difficult to determine whether or not a nation being no longer under colonial rule guarantees its postcolonial status. Pramod Nayar defines postcolonial literature as "that which negotiates with, contests, and subverts Euro-American ideologies and representations".

Before the term "postcolonial literature" gained currency among scholars, "commonwealth literature" was used to refer to writing in English from colonies or nations that belonged to the British Commonwealth. Even though the term included literature from Britain, it was most commonly used for writing in English written in British colonies. Scholars of Commonwealth literature used the term to designate writing in English that dealt with the topic of colonialism. They advocated for its inclusion in literary curricula, hitherto dominated by the British canon. However, the succeeding generation of postcolonial critics, many of whom belonged to the post-structuralist philosophical tradition, took issue with the "commonwealth" label for separating non-British writing from "English" language literature written in Britain. They also suggested that texts in this category frequently presented a short-sighted view of the legacy of colonialism. Other terms used for English-language literature from former British colonies include terms that designate a national corpus of writing such as Australian or Canadian literature; numerous terms such as "English Literature Other than British and American", "New Literatures in English", "International Literature in English"; and "World Literatures" were coined. These have, however, been dismissed either as too vague or too inaccurate to represent the vast body of dynamic writing emerging from British colonies during and after the period of direct colonial rule. The terms "colonial" and "postcolonial" continue to be used for writing emerging during and after the period of colonial rule respectively.

Midnight’s Children tells a dramatic and extraordinary story about postcolonial India. The novel depicts the historical events that shaped the life of India that we know today through the portrayal of a personal history of the Sinai family. Midnight’s Children is a critique of Indian mentality, diversity, politics, and history, but simultaneously a study of human relations.

# Now let's discuss some major points assigned in the thinking activity task,

1. Justification of the Title:-

  • Thematic and Narrative significance:-

Salman Rushdie’s 'Midnight’s Children' intricately intertwines themes of cultural identity, history, and magical realism, offering a profound exploration of post-colonial India. The novel delves into the complexities of national identity, particularly in the context of post-independence India. Through the characters, Rushdie reflects the country's cultural hybridity, where individuals navigate a blend of indigenous traditions and colonial influences. The theme of historical context is deeply embedded in the narrative, as the story spans key moments in Indian history, such as the partition and the struggles of nation-building. This exploration reveals the challenges of forging a unified identity in a society marked by linguistic, religious, and cultural diversity. Moreover, Rushdie employs magical realism to blur the boundaries between reality and fantasy, using the magical abilities of the "midnight’s children" as a metaphor for India’s potential. This technique also allows for an intricate exploration of symbolism, where objects and events in the novel serve as metaphors for India's political and cultural transformation. Themes of individual vs. collective identity further underscore the novel, as characters like Saleem Sinai grapple with their personal desires while symbolizing the broader struggles of the nation. The tension between personal and national identity is a recurring motif, reflecting the broader socio-political landscape of India’s post-colonial journey. Additionally, the novel emphasizes the power of memory and storytelling, with Saleem’s narrative illustrating the interplay between personal memories and collective history. Through these interconnected themes, 'Midnight’s Children' presents a vivid portrayal of India’s post-colonial identity and the complexities of its cultural, political, and social evolution.

The thematic study of Salman Rushdie's 'Midnight's Children delves into the complex layers of identity, history, and the use of magical realism, illustrating the novel's exploration of postcolonial India. A central theme is cultural identity and hybridity, where Rushdie captures the intricate blending of indigenous and foreign influences that shape the characters and the nation. The fusion of British colonial legacies with India’s cultural diversity underscores the complexity of identity in a country emerging from the shadows of colonialism. Through characters like Saleem Sinai, who embodies this hybridity, Rushdie demonstrates how the personal is inseparably linked with the national, suggesting that identity is a continual interplay of past and present influences.

The novel’s historical context and its reflection on nation-building are crucial themes. Rushdie paints a vivid portrait of India’s transition from colonial rule to independence, with historical events like the partition and the creation of Pakistan becoming pivotal moments in shaping both the characters' lives and the nation's destiny. These events serve as thematic cornerstones, highlighting the religious, cultural, and political divisions that permeate Indian society, and the ensuing challenges of unity amidst such diversity.

Magical realism is employed as a literary technique to blur the boundaries between reality and imagination, allowing Rushdie to explore the symbolic nature of events and characters. For instance, the Midnight’s Children, endowed with supernatural powers, symbolize the potential of postcolonial India and its people, while the protagonist’s unique nose serves as a metaphor for the nation’s political and social transformations. The novel’s magical elements mirror the surreal and chaotic landscape of a newly independent nation, where history and myth often intertwine.

Another significant theme is the tension between individual and collective identity, particularly in the way Saleem’s personal journey reflects the broader narrative of India’s postcolonial struggles. His role as both a participant and a storyteller emphasizes how personal stories contribute to collective memory, shaping not only the characters’ lives but also the nation's historical narrative. Rushdie further explores memory and storytelling as powerful forces that define both personal and collective identities, revealing how history is often a construct shaped by individual perspectives.

In conclusion, 'Midnight’s Children' encapsulates the multifaceted challenges of postcolonial identity, nation-building, and the complex interplay between history and memory. Rushdie’s narrative technique, using magical realism and symbolic elements, allows him to engage with these themes on multiple levels, offering readers an insightful exploration of the human condition and the socio-political landscape of postcolonial India. Through this thematic study, the document emphasizes the novel’s enduring significance as a work that transcends its historical context to explore universal themes of identity, memory, and storytelling.

# Narrative Technique:-

The narrative techniques employed by Salman Rushdie in 'Midnight's Children' are central to the novel’s innovative structure and storytelling style. As highlighted in the document, Rushdie employs a first-person narrative through the protagonist, Saleem Sinai, whose life is intertwined with the history of post-colonial India. This narrative technique blurs the boundaries of time and space, allowing Saleem to recount events from a distance, similar to the role of Sanjay in the 'Mahabharata', who could see and narrate the events of the Kurukshetra war from afar. This technique also serves to create suspense, as characters are introduced before they actually appear, keeping the reader engaged throughout the novel’s expansive timeline.

A key feature of the narrative is the use of magical realism, where the realistic and the fantastical are seamlessly blended. Rushdie draws from both Western and Oriental influences, incorporating elements from texts like 'Tristram Shandy', 'The Tin Drum', and 'One Hundred Years of Solitude', as well as ancient Indian texts like 'Panchatantra' and 'Kathasaritsagara'. In 'Midnight's Children', the protagonist, Saleem, is gifted with extraordinary powers like telepathy, and his keen sense of smell allows him to read people’s thoughts and emotions. Such magical abilities symbolize the larger-than-life attributes of post-colonial India, with the individual and the national constantly mirroring one another. This blending of the real and the unreal helps Rushdie create a narrative framework that reflects the surreal and chaotic political landscape of post-colonial India.

Rushdie’s use of cinematic elements, influenced by Bombay cinema, further adds to the novel’s narrative richness. The structure of *Midnight’s Children* borrows from typical Bollywood storylines, including mistaken identities, melodramatic twists, and symbolic representations of good and evil, as seen in characters like Saleem and Shiva. This cinematic quality allows the novel to evoke the drama and vibrancy of Indian popular culture while exploring serious political and historical themes.

Another defining aspect of Rushdie's narrative technique is his experimentation with language, often referred to as the "Chutnification" of English. Rushdie integrates Hindi and Urdu words into the English text, such as ‘angrez’, ‘fiancee’, and ‘nasbandi’, giving the novel a distinctly Indian flavour. Additionally, he plays with the English language by combining words and creating new linguistic structures, reflecting the hybrid nature of Indian identity and culture. These linguistic innovations enhance the novel’s sense of place and character, immersing the reader in the complexities of post-colonial Indian life.

In conclusion, Rushdie's use of first-person narration, magical realism, cinematic elements, and linguistic experimentation in 'Midnight's Children' creates a rich, layered narrative that mirrors the complexity of India’s post-colonial identity. These narrative techniques contribute to the novel’s status as a groundbreaking work of fiction, merging personal and national histories with a unique storytelling style.

  • Historical and Mythical Connection:-
In 'Midnight’s Children', Salman Rushdie masterfully weaves together historical and mythical elements to create a narrative that reflects both the post-colonial identity of India and its deep cultural mythologies. According to the document, Rushdie functions as a "diasporic myth-maker," drawing from the fragmented history of India to create a narrative that merges history and myth, memory and imagination. This connection between history and myth is evident in how Rushdie’s protagonist, Saleem Sinai, represents not only the individual but also the collective identity of post-independence India. Saleem’s birth at the exact moment of India’s independence is symbolic of the nation’s rebirth, making him and the country inseparable in the mythic sense.

The historical context is critical, as the novel addresses significant moments such as the Partition and the Emergency, which shaped the Indian subcontinent. However, these events are not depicted in a linear, factual manner. Instead, they are entangled with the personal and the mythological, reflecting the idea that history itself is a product of fragmented memories. Rushdie uses mythical structures—such as Saleem's telepathic powers and his supernatural connection to India’s political fate—to underline the impossibility of presenting a single, unified version of history.

Myth plays a role in both personal and national identity. The novel’s mythological references, such as the rivalry between Saleem and Shiva (named after the Hindu god of destruction), emphasize themes of creation, destruction, and rebirth. This mirrors the historical and political cycles of India, where destruction often precedes transformation. Similarly, Saleem’s physical disintegration parallels India's fragmentation during and after the Partition, showcasing how myth and history are intricately connected.

Rushdie’s narrative also draws from Indian mythology and epic storytelling traditions, such as the 'Mahabharata' and 'Ramayana', while simultaneously engaging with the broader concept of diaspora and displacement. The document discusses how Rushdie’s diasporic experience leads to the creation of “myths of the mind,” where the homeland becomes an imaginative construct rather than a fixed reality. Through this lens, Rushdie reflects on the impossibility of returning to an unblemished origin, suggesting that both memory and myth are always fractured.

Thus, 'Midnight’s Children' becomes a complex interplay of myth, memory, and history, where Rushdie reimagines India’s past and its future. His narrative technique challenges the reader to see beyond factual history and recognize the mythic underpinnings that shape both personal and national identities.

  • Impact of Thematic Exploration:-
The title 'Midnight’s Children' plays a pivotal role in shaping the thematic exploration of Salman Rushdie’s novel. It directly refers to the children born at the exact moment of India’s independence, symbolizing a generation tied intrinsically to the fate of the newly formed nation. This title encapsulates the core theme of individual identity mirroring national identity, as the protagonist, Saleem Sinai, and other "midnight’s children" become metaphors for India’s post-colonial struggle, fragmentation, and transformation. The title thus reflects the generational burden placed on the characters, as they represent the hope, chaos, and uncertainty of a nation carving its place in the world.

Furthermore, the title reinforces the theme of historical and political destiny. Midnight, the moment of India’s independence, becomes a powerful symbol in the novel, marking the boundary between colonial oppression and newfound freedom. However, it also signals the beginning of internal strife, symbolized by the fragmentation of the children’s lives, much like the nation they represent. The "children" are not merely individuals but stand for the country’s future, and their fates are intertwined with the political and social upheavals that define post-independence India.

The title also underscores Rushdie’s exploration of time and memory, as "midnight" signifies a turning point, the stroke between the past and future. It reflects the novel’s non-linear narrative, where the boundaries between personal and national history blur, mirroring the thematic exploration of memory’s unreliability. Through the title 'Midnight’s Children', Rushdie deepens the novel’s examination of identity, history, and the consequences of independence, marking it as a literal and metaphorical representation of the children born in a time of national rebirth.

2.  Postcolonial Voices: Theoretical Lenses:-

Salman Rushdie’s 'Midnight’s Children' offers a multifaceted narrative that aligns seamlessly with postcolonial theories. Through its rich tapestry of magical realism, historical allegory, and hybrid identities, the novel can be analyzed using key concepts from theorists such as Edward Said, Homi Bhabha, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Frantz Fanon, and others. Here's a detailed analysis through a postcolonial lens:

1. Edward Said – Orientalism:-

Edward Said's theory of Orientalism highlights how the West constructs the East as an exotic and inferior “Other” to justify colonial dominance. In 'Midnight’s Children', Rushdie subverts Orientalist tropes by presenting Indian history and identity from an indigenous perspective. Through the narrative of Saleem Sinai, Rushdie critiques Western historical narratives and challenges the stereotypes imposed on the East. The novel’s use of magical realism and hybrid language resists the Western rationalist modes of storytelling, further dismantling the Orientalist view of Eastern societies as backward or irrational.

2. Homi Bhabha – Hybridity and the Third Space:-

Homi Bhabha’s concepts of hybridity and the “Third Space” focus on the cultural blending that occurs in postcolonial societies. In 'Midnight’s Children', Saleem’s identity embodies hybridity, as his mixed heritage reflects the merging of Indian and Western cultures. Rushdie’s “chutnified” English, blending multiple languages and styles, symbolizes the creation of a new cultural space that defies binary oppositions like colonizer/colonized. This reflects the novel's existence in the "Third Space," where cultural identities are constantly being negotiated and redefined.

3. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak – Subaltern Studies:-

Spivak’s seminal essay, 'Can the Subaltern Speak?', argues that marginalized voices in postcolonial societies are often silenced in dominant historical narratives. 'Midnight’s Children' offers a counter-narrative to these mainstream histories by centring voices of the subaltern, such as women, minorities, and the poor. Saleem’s fragmented and chaotic narrative structure reflects the disempowerment of these marginalized voices, whose stories are rarely told in a straightforward, linear manner.

4. Frantz Fanon – Decolonization and National Consciousness:-

Fanon’s works, particularly 'The Wretched of the Earth', emphasize the psychological effects of colonialism and the importance of national consciousness. 'Midnight’s Children' mirrors the post-independence struggles of India in developing a national consciousness that is free from colonial influence. Saleem’s fractured identity symbolizes the psychological trauma and identity crises that postcolonial subjects face, as they try to reconcile their pre- and post-colonial identities. The depiction of events like the partition and the Emergency reflects India’s complex process of decolonization and the challenges of forming a cohesive national identity.

5. Dipesh Chakrabarty – Provincializing Europe:-

In Provincializing Europe', Chakrabarty advocates for decentering Europe in historical narratives to give more prominence to non-Western perspectives. 'Midnight’s Children' accomplishes this by reclaiming Indian history from a Eurocentric lens. Rushdie’s use of local myths, the emphasis on Indian vernaculars, and the subversion of Western historical forms of storytelling helped provincialize Europe, giving precedence to indigenous histories and experiences.

 6. Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o – Decolonizing the Mind:-

Ngũgĩ’s Decolonising the Mind argues for embracing indigenous languages as a means of resisting colonial cultural domination. Though Rushdie writes in English, the novel’s linguistic hybridity—its "chutnified" English—reflects a form of decolonization. By infusing the colonizer’s language with Indian idioms and expressions, Rushdie challenges the purity of the colonial language and uses it to express a uniquely postcolonial reality. This subversion of English reflects the broader project of cultural decolonization.

 7. Aimé Césaire – Negritude and Colonial Alienation:-

Though Negritude is rooted in African contexts, its themes of reclaiming identity and resisting colonial alienation apply to Midnight’s Children. Saleem’s quest for identity in the face of India’s colonial past can be seen as a resistance to cultural alienation. By engaging with India’s cultural heritage and its history of colonialism, Rushdie’s novel emphasizes the importance of reclaiming indigenous identities in postcolonial societies.

# Conclusion:-

'Midnight’s Children' serves as a dynamic site for postcolonial critique by engaging with multiple theoretical perspectives. Rushdie’s innovative use of narrative structure, magical realism, and hybrid identities not only reflects the complexities of postcolonial discourse but also challenges and expands the theoretical boundaries set by thinkers like Said, Bhabha, Spivak, Fanon, and others. Through its intersectional analysis of history, identity, and language, the novel remains a pivotal text in postcolonial literature, contributing to the ongoing dialogue surrounding colonial legacies and the formation of postcolonial identities.

3. The Role of 'English' in the Novel:-

The role of English in Salman Rushdie's 'Midnight's Children' is deeply intertwined with postcolonial concerns of language, identity, and cultural hybridity. Rushdie’s linguistic innovation, often referred to as the "chutnification" of English, serves as a key tool to explore and reflect the postcolonial condition. Here is a detailed analysis based on the document you provided:

 1. Chutnification of English:-

   Rushdie’s coinage of the term “chutnification” epitomizes his approach to language in 'Midnight’s Children'. This concept refers to the mixing of English with Hindi, Urdu, and other vernacular languages in a way that reflects India’s hybrid culture. By blending words, idioms, and expressions from Indian languages into English, Rushdie creates a linguistic form that mirrors the novel’s thematic exploration of cultural hybridity and postcolonial identity

   The "chutnification" is not just a playful blending of languages but serves a deeper purpose. It symbolizes the fragmentation and recombination of identities in postcolonial India. Just as chutney combines diverse ingredients to create a new, complex flavour, Rushdie's English combines the colonial language with Indigenous elements to craft a new linguistic identity that is distinctively Indian.

2. Hinglish as a Postcolonial Language:-

   Rushdie’s use of "Hinglish" (a mix of Hindi and English) is particularly effective because it reflects the way English is spoken by ordinary people in India. Unlike earlier Indian writers in English, who often used the language in a more formal, structured way, Rushdie uses it as a living, flexible tool that resonates with the linguistic realities of postcolonial India.

   For instance, characters like Padma, Saleem’s beloved, use a version of English that is peppered with Indian idioms and grammatical structures: “Eat, na, food is spoiling.” This mixing of English and vernaculars not only marks the characters' social and educational backgrounds but also reinforces the novel’s theme of fragmented identity. In this way, language becomes a marker of social class and cultural hybridity, reflecting the diverse linguistic landscape of postcolonial India.

 3. Decolonizing English:-

   One of the key aspects of Rushdie’s use of English is its role in the decolonization of the language itself. Rushdie does not adhere strictly to the rules of British English, the language of the colonizer. Instead, he actively subverts it by incorporating Indian words, grammar, and syntax. This act of "Indianizing" English is, as noted by critics, a form of cultural resistance and a way of reclaiming the language from its colonial past.

   Rushdie’s linguistic experiments also challenge the notion of English as a “pure” language. By using English in ways that are unfamiliar to native speakers—through wordplay, misspellings, and unconventional grammar—he destabilizes the authority of Standard English and asserts the validity of new "englishes" that better reflect the experiences of postcolonial societies.

4. Magical Realism and Language:-

   The language in 'Midnight’s Children' also serves the novel’s use of magical realism, a genre that blends the real and the fantastical. Rushdie’s linguistic style reflects this blending by using English in innovative and unexpected ways. His frequent use of compound words (e.g., "roundandroundand" or "over and over") gives the prose a sense of uninterrupted motion, creating a rhythm that mirrors the novel’s fantastical elements.

   This inventive use of language enhances the novel’s magical realism, allowing Rushdie to convey complex ideas about history, memory, and identity in a way that feels immediate and experiential.

5. Use of Vernacular Words:-

   Rushdie's incorporation of vernacular words—such as ‘angrez’ (Englishman), ‘baba’ (grandfather), and ‘jalebis’ (a sweet)—further enhances the authenticity of the novel. These words, deeply rooted in Indian culture, provide a local flavour to the narrative while also challenging the dominance of English as a colonial language. By leaving these words untranslated, Rushdie resists the pressure to make the novel fully accessible to Western readers, thus asserting the cultural and linguistic independence of the text.

 6. Hybridity and Identity:-

   The mixing of languages in 'Midnight’s Children' is not merely a stylistic choice; it reflects the broader theme of hybridity that runs throughout the novel. Saleem Sinai, the protagonist, embodies this hybridity, both in his mixed heritage and in the way he uses language. The novel itself, with its blend of history, myth, and fantasy, mirrors the hybrid cultural and linguistic identity of postcolonial India.

   Rushdie’s use of English, infused with Indian vernaculars and idioms, reflects the fractured, hybrid identities of his characters and the nation itself. This linguistic hybridity challenges the binaries of the colonizer and colonized, offering instead a "Third Space" where new identities and cultures can emerge.

# Conclusion:-

In 'Midnight’s Children', English plays a crucial role as both a tool of colonial power and a medium for postcolonial resistance. Through his "Chutnification" of the language, Rushdie decolonizes English, transforming it into a hybrid linguistic form that reflects the complex, multicultural reality of postcolonial India. His innovative use of language not only enhances the novel’s themes of hybridity and identity but also positions 'Midnight’s Children' as a groundbreaking work in postcolonial literature. The novel’s linguistic creativity, with its blending of English and vernacular languages, challenges traditional notions of language, identity, and power, making it a powerful statement on the role of English in postcolonial societies.

4.  Portrayal of the Emergency (1975-77):-

Thursday 5 September 2024

"Meena Kandasamy: Voice of Resistance in 'Eklavya(Eklavyian)' and 'One-Eyed'"


Greetings Everyone!! This blog is a part of a video task based on Teacher's Day 2024. The Department of English, Maharaja Krishna Kumarsinhji Bhavnagar University conducted a virtual Teacher's Day. My topic is "Meena Kandasamy: Voice of Resistance in 'Eklavya(Eklavyian)' and 'One-Eyed'".

> Here is my presentation on ""Meena Kandasamy: Voice of Resistance in 'Eklavya(Eklavyian)' and 'One-Eyed'":-

> Here is my YouTube video:-

> Here is my Quiz Link:-


Midnight's Children (Th)

Greetings !! Everyone. This blog is part of a thinking activity based on "Midnight's Children," written by Salman Rushdie and ...